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Human Adaption

   Adaption to the COLD         When humans are presented to freezing weather, we struggle at producing heat faster than it is lost. When you are exposed to temperatures like these you can develop serious affects like hypothermia which can result in death caused by the destruction of your stored energy trying to keep you warm. Weather like this is also hard on the human body because it can be harsh on your cardiovascular system in result to having your blood vessels constrict and having a shallow breath.     Short Term Adaption One short term adaption humans have is naturally your body will send signals to your sweat glands notifying them that you're cold and you will start to shiver to create warmth, this is how your body maintains homeostasis.   Facultative Adaption When in the cold your body will Constrict blood vessel by muscles in their walls this is called vasoconstriction. When the blood vessels are constricted this results in helping heat loss from warm blood and will prote

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